First Impressions: Dallas to Vegas to SF

Somewhere on CA-58 between Buttonwillow and Santa Margarita.
After picking up the car, I immediately drove it 2000 miles from Dallas back to San Francisco, with a stop in Las Vegas to visit family for the holidays.

Here is the route I took. I tried to avoid the major interstates in favor of two-lane alternatives, which turned out to be great -- more fun to drive, fewer highway patrol, and had the roads almost to myself.

Here are the relevant stats:
Total miles = 1995
Avg gas mileage = 21 mpg
Avg speed = 66 mph
Traction control engaged = twice

First impressions:
  • OMG, passing. The turbo boost is the ultimate passing tool. By the time you slide over into the passing lane, the turbo boost kicks in like an afterburner. 
  • Fast. This car really likes 80+. In fact, setting cruise control at 125 is something that works surprisingly well in this car (in the desert, on straight, empty, dry roads).
  • Loud. Sports car people like hearing "the song of the engine." It's surprisingly loud compared to the little 4 cylinders engines I'm used to. Not in a bad way. Sweet spot for cruising is about 3300 rpm.


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